
直击内心的细腻叙事 | 荷兰爵士人声Henk Kraaijeveld

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Henk Kraaijeveld 是一位出色的歌手和音乐家。完美的声线,具有天赋的音乐人,令人陶醉……

—— Kim Nazarian (NY Voices)


—— Jazzenzo.nl



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Henk Kraaijeveld是来自荷兰的爵士歌手与创作人,他的创作中往往将直击内心的歌词、细腻的叙事以及惊人的即兴演出凝聚在一起。他的歌曲中拥有令人着迷的和声与旋律,富含着喜悦与舞蹈的元素。同样,Henk Kraaijeveld 将爵士乐的经典风格与新风格互相融合,也将古典乐流行音乐的元素混杂在其中。

Kraaijeveld于2012年以优异的成绩从乌得勒支音乐学院毕业,并在纽约曼哈顿音乐学院学习著名的词曲作者,作曲家和编曲者Peter Eldridge。

2013年,Kraaijeveld在第十届荷兰爵士声乐比赛(Nederlands Jazz Vocalisten Concours)中获得评审团和听众奖。评审团称赞他“松弛而享受的表演,使他与听众产生了非常好的联系,温暖而优美的歌喉与乐队的演奏完美融合,同时展现出令人印象深刻的人声宽度”

2018年初,Kraaijeveld在阿姆斯特丹Bimhuis发行了首张专辑《Passengers》。这张专辑是他与钢琴家、创作人Daan Herweg合作的成果,包含了Kraaijeveld和Herweg的原创歌曲和翻唱作品,受到评论家和听众的广泛好评。随后他们在荷兰、中国、马来西亚和韩国进行了巡回演出。

English Ver.

Henk Kraaijeveld is a versatile jazz vocalist and songwriter from The Netherlands who brings together compelling music with poetic lyrics, storytelling and surprising improvisations. Playful and light-footed elements alternate with intense and vivacious grooves and harmonies. Crossovers are made between old and new styles of jazz, including elements from classical and popular music. 

Kraaijeveld graduated cum laude from Utrecht Conservatory in 2012 and studied at Manhattan School of Music, New York with renowned songwriter, composer and arranger Peter Eldridge.

In 2013 Kraaijeveld won both jury- and audience award at the 10th edition of the Dutch Vocal jazz competition (Nederlands Jazz Vocalisten Concours) The jury praised his ‘relaxed performance in which he connects very well with the audience, blends his warm and beautiful voice perfectly with the sound of the band, while showing an impressive vocal range’. 

Early 2018, Henk released his debut album called Passengers at the renowned Bimhuis, Amsterdam. The album is the outcome of his collaboration with pianist and songwriter Daan Herweg, and  contains original songs by Kraaijeveld/Herweg and covers. It was well received by critics as well as the audience. Next to the Netherlands, Henk toured in various countries with the album, among which are China, Malaysia and South-Korea.


Piano:Daan Herweg

Daan Herweg的音乐和他的演奏充满活力,旋律优美,注意力集中,有时带有棱角分明的边缘,这些边缘会突然变成流畅的人物。Daan Herweg具有开放的思想,会对机会和可能性进行思考。传统爵士乐对他而言是起点,而不是终点。德彪西和勃拉姆斯等作曲家的影响力是不可否认的,Herweg在纽约曼哈顿音乐学院获得的灵感也是不可否认的。从商业流行音乐到前卫爵士乐,他在各种音乐场景中游刃有余。

Daan Herweg's music and his playing as a pianist are energetic, melodic and concentrated, sometimes with angular edges, which can suddenly turn into flowing figures. Daan Herweg has a liberal mind that thinks in chances and possibilities. The jazz tradition is a starting point for him, not an end station. The influence of composers such as Debussy and Brahms is undeniable, as is the inspiration that Herweg gained at the Manhattan School of Music in New York. He moves easily in various music scenes, from co-production of commercial pop to avant-garde jazz.

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Bass:Tobias Nijboer

低音提琴手Tobias Nijboer是荷兰音乐界的多才多艺的伴奏者。他曾在Groningen(NL)和Barcelona(西班牙)攻读学士学位,并在纽约住了两年,在纽约州立大学(SUNY Purchase)攻读硕士课程(2010)。2010年,他搬到阿姆斯特丹,加入了A.O.Fuse、Henk Kraaijeveld、Vincent Veneman 10、Bas van Lier Trio和Dutch Concert Bigband。作为一名伴奏者,Tobias在过去10年中录制了16张唱片,并在北美和欧洲巡回演出并参与北海爵士音乐节。他每隔一周在荷兰电视节目Podium Witteman常驻演奏。他还与a.o. Cyrille Aimée, Peter Bernstein, John Engels, Ruud Jacobs, Benjamin Herman en Jasper Blom等人同台演出。自2017年以来,Tobias还是乌得勒支HKU音乐学院的主要低音提琴老师。

Double bassist Tobias Nijboer is a versatile sideman on the Dutch music scene. He studied in Groningen (NL) and Barcelona (Spain) for his bachelor studies and lived for two years in New York to pursue his master studies at SUNY Purchase (2010). In 2010 he moved to Amsterdam and joined several groups, a.o. Fuse, Henk Kraaijeveld, Vincent Veneman 10, Bas van Lier Trio and the Dutch Concert Bigband. As a sideman Tobias recorded 16 records over the past 10 years and toured in North America and Europe, played at the North Sea Jazz Festival, the Concertgebouw and the Bimhuis. With Fuse he plays every other week at the Dutch television show Podium Witteman as their house band. He also shared the stage with a.o. Cyrille Aimée, Peter Bernstein, John Engels, Ruud Jacobs, Benjamin Herman en Jasper Blom. Since 2017 Tobias is also the main teacher double bass at the HKU conservatory in Utrecht.

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Drums:Joan Terol Amigó

Joan Terol Amigó是来自Reus(加泰罗尼亚)颇受追捧的爵士鼓手。他目前居住在荷兰阿姆斯特丹,同时也与巴塞罗那音乐界保持着密切的联系。他从14岁开始学习鼓乐,2003年搬到巴塞罗那,先后在现代爵士音乐厅(L’aula de Musica Moderna I jazz)与ESMuC学习音乐。2011年,他开始在阿姆斯特丹音乐学院攻读硕士学位。目前他参与的乐队主要有Xavi Torres Trio、Henk Kraaijeveld Quintet、BvR Flamenco Big Band、Trempera等。Joan曾与爵士偶像Benny Golson、Lee Konitz、Jordi Rossy、Jesse Davis、Maria Schneider以及荷兰、加泰罗尼亚和西班牙爵士乐界的众多著名音乐家共同演出。

Joan Terol Amigó is a much sought after creative jazz drummer from Reus (Catalonia). He currently lives in Amsterdam, but is also connected to the musical scene of Barcelona. He started his drum lessons at the age of 14 and moved to Barcelona in 2003 to continue studying music, first at the L’Aula de Música Moderna i Jazz and later at the ESMuC. In 2011 he started a master's degree at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. At present, the most important projects in which he is active are the Xavi Torres Trio, Henk Kraaijeveld Quintet, The BvR Flamenco Big Band and Trempera !. Joan played, among other things, as sideman of jazz icons Benny Golson, Lee Konitz, Jordi Rossy, Jesse Davis, Maria Schneider and various prominent musicians from the Dutch, Catalan and Spanish jazz scene.

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10.10 THU

 荷 / 兰 / 爵 / 士 / 人 / 声 

Henk Kraaijeveld Quartet


Vocal:Henk Kraaijeveld

Piano:Daan Herweg

Bass:Tobias Nijboer

Drums:Joan Terol Amigó

 时间 Time 

2019年10月10日 周四

Oct. 10th, Thu.


 票价 Ticket Price 



【 购 票 】

 地点 Venue 

JZ Club上海


No. 158 Julu Rd., Huangpu District

 订座 Reservation

021-53098221 / 64310269


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